Tuesday, March 31, 2009

a broad

so i have manage to finagle my way into a trip to scotland with my boyfriends family

technically i was invited by his father.

i have never spent a pound in my life and am quite looking forward to it.

i've got all my shifts covered and have worked extra for the last few weeks to cover myself.

i dropped a grand on a ticket this morning.

after a long day at work i stopped by the bar across the street for a shot and a beer.

the guy from the local beer distributor was drinking there and bought me my shot of jameson

the the bartender asked me to call the card on the PBR cap.

i said 7 of clubs...i was right...i got a free beer.

in terms of being an over-qualified waitress...it's been a good day.


Tuesday, March 3, 2009

i have a new box

its a bigger box with a kitchen...

something that my previous box lacked--it also has a living room.

i fucking love it.

its $1200 a month...its not cheap...

but when people ask me if it's cheaper than my old place i respond

"you know how at the grocery store you can look at the shelf and it tells you the price of the item...and then it tells you the price per ounce?

well...its a better price per ounce."